40th Birthday Wish

I’ve chosen to gift my 40th to SJD. Their collaborative work toward a more sustainable response to homelessness deserves our support. Please, I would ask that instead of presents you help me contribute to their effort providing people with a safe space.



Objectiu: €4,000
38 Donacions

La meva història

It won't come as news that we live in a world rife with disparity. We see it all around us, from the places we were born in, to the places we travel to and live in. As I have developed my career in real estate, it seemed fitting to dedicate this momentous new decade to helping fight for the basic right to a safe space. 

Homelessness affects over 30,000 people in Spain. While there are many changes that must happen at the policy level - and I will try to push for this dialogue to happen in concertation with private companies - there is also a way to help by simply donating to organisations already working with people in need of housing. 

This particular initiative, in line with the Housing First principles put forward by SJD since 2016, looks to sustainably transform how our systems respond to homelessness. It aspires to have a systemic impact in Barcelona and Catalonia and to become a reference for political and public policy toward the deinstitutionalisation of homelessness in Spain.  

This is why I ask you not to give me any presents but instead gift a donation to this cause close to my heart. I greatly look forward to breaking into my forties together. Any contribution from your side would truly be a wonderful gift. Thank you! 


Neumayer Christoph


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